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The Blockchain Simulation Game


For universities, business schools, or corporate workshops

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The students absolutely loved it!
— Bennett Collen, ‍Adjunct Professor at Boston College, Head of Blockchain at GoDaddy
Natalie is a great speaker and teacher, combining theory and real-world blockchain learnings.
— Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management


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Instructor Mode

Game mode

University lecturers, teachers, or workshop leads act as instructors leading through the simulation, with participants playing nodes in a blockchain network.

The audience learns and practices 4 key concepts behind blockchain technology, and combines them in the "Challenge Mode", where a number of transactions should be "mined" by the network.

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Our game was designed by blockchain experts and business leaders, and conveys both the technical and the commercial elements of blockchain. The simulation is designed to be interactive and fun, while being relevant and educational.

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The simulation is designed for universities, companies, or institutions who want to teach their students or staff the core concepts of blockchain and distributed-ledger technology (DLT) in a playful and professional way that sticks.

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By purchasing access to the game, you get instructions, access, and login data to share with your audience. The length is flexible from 30 to 90 minutes as there are built-in pauses to discuss the learned content.

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Our founders and lovely staff will provide professional assistance along your journey. Be it via email or phone, no matter where you stand and where you want to go, we make sure you feel equipped and ready to teach everything you know. 


Learning objectives

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In this game, participants will… 


Understand the core concepts and terminologies of blockchain

the process of hashing, chaining, mining, and consensus

a blockchain network and the mining competition 

the benefits and drawbacks of blockchain

how blockchain technologies work (or don’t) in real-world settings

To get access to the game, contact us!

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